5U Rally Cap is an introduction to baseball. It is a developmental, non-competitive program that focuses on teaching kids the basic skills of hitting, catching, throwing and running.
Teams of 6 Players (3 teams to a diamond) will alternate between hitting, fielding, and developmental each game night
The program runs once a week so when registering, please be sure to choose either the Tuesday or the Thursday program. All T-Ball will be played at either Wishing Well Park or Manhattan Park. (See Park Maps)
5U is open to all boys and girls 4 or 5 years old (by December 31).
Equipment required:
- Running shoes or baseball cleats
- Baseball glove
- Batting helmet with chin strap
- Bat
- Athletic supporter (cup)
Equipment provided:
- Full uniform, including baseball shirt, pants, hat and socks
- Team catcher’s equipment
- Team training baseball
All of our baseball programs our co-ed. Any girls who would prefer to play in a girls-only baseball league, please visit https://www.canadiangirlsbaseball.com/